When you purchase a monthly or yearly subscription to our online beekeeping course through this website, an account will automatically be created for you on TheBeekeeper.org using the email address you provide during checkout.
After your purchase, you'll receive an email with details on how to access the course content.
Your payment details will be stored securely, and you'll be charged based on the subscription frequency that you selected. If a free trial offer has been purchased, the first charge will occur automatically after the free trial period has elapsed.
Subscriptions auto-renew at the end of their duration - either monthly (30 days) or yearly (365 days). If you don't want to renew a subscription you can cancel it. To cancel or change your subscription at any time with no questions asked, just contact info@thebeekeeper.org
Subscriptions to TheBeekeeper.org are subject to these terms.
Thank you and please feel free to contact us if you have any questions!